May 8, 2024


The content pillars associated with a PEG station generally reflect its core mission to provide programming within its acronym namespace that is relevant, enriching, and accessible to all community members. 

These pillars typically include:


Public Access: This pillar focuses on content produced by community members, offering a platform for local voices, opinions, and creative expressions. Public access programming encourages a diverse range of content, from talk shows and documentaries to cultural performances and personal storytelling. This open-access model is fundamental to PEG stations, promoting freedom of speech and enabling individuals and groups to share their perspectives and talents with a broader audience.


Educational Content: Educational programming is designed to provide learning opportunities for people of all ages. This can range from academic subjects, such as science and history, to life skills like cooking and personal finance. Collaborations with local schools, colleges, and educational organizations often enrich this content, offering telecourses, educational workshops, and coverage of school events, such as sporting matches, graduation ceremonies, and student performances.


Governmental Coverage: A crucial function of PEG stations is to offer transparency and access to governmental processes. This includes live and recorded broadcasts of city council meetings, public hearings, and other government-related activities. Such coverage ensures that residents are informed about local governance, policy decisions, and civic matters, fostering a well-informed citizenry and encouraging public participation in the democratic process.

Types of Programs and Content

Beyond the primary PEG pillars, Channel 12 could serve content that promotes community engagement and provides valuable services. This can include announcements of local events, emergency broadcasting services, public service announcements, and programs highlighting local non-profits or volunteer opportunities.

Programming that preserves and celebrates the local culture and history is another important content pillar. Through documentaries, interviews with long-time residents, historical commemorations, and coverage of our cultural Wine & Harvest Festivals, Channel 12 can help the village foster a sense of identity and continuity within the community. 

Some PEG stations incorporate content focused on innovation, technology, and local entrepreneurship, showcasing local startups, technology education programs, and innovation in local government and community services. This supports economic development and keeps the community informed about local technological advancements and opportunities.

Example Programming & Use Cases

  • Local Spotlight Series: Through a collaboration with the Village of Paw Paw’s Downtown Development Authority, Channel 12 assist in producing a series of programs focusing on local businesses, artists, and craftsmen, showcasing their contributions to the community. This not only promotes local talent and enterprises but also fosters a sense of community pride and support.
  • Community-Driven News: Beyond the traditional community calendar, this would rely on citizen-supported journalism, where residents can contribute stories, news, and events. Distributed across all proposed broadcast mediums, this approach ensures a wide array of perspectives and news that matters directly to the community, enabling professionally-produced content to be more relatable and engaging.
  • Educational Workshops and Classes: Partner with local experts, educators, and community organizations to offer a range of educational content, from DIY projects and cooking classes to financial literacy and technology workshops. These programs can cater to various age groups and interests, providing valuable knowledge and skills.
  • Cultural and Historical Documentaries: Channel 12 would partner with the Paw Paw District Library and long-time residents to help produce engaging documentaries and features on the history and cultural heritage of the community. Highlighting historical landmarks, significant events, and stories from long-time residents can enrich the community’s understanding of its roots and evolution.
  • Interactive Community Forums and Talk Shows: Residents and community officials could host live forums and talk shows that address current issues, debates, and topics of interest within the community. Including social media and call-in segments where residents can voice opinions, ask questions, and engage directly with guests can significantly boost community involvement and interaction in a centrally accessible location.
  • Youth and School Programming: Collaborate with Paw Paw Public Schools and area youth organizations to create content by and for younger audiences. This could include educational content, school events, live sports coverage, and creative showcases, giving today’s youth an enhanced platform to express themselves and engage with their peers.
  • Environmental and Sustainability Focus: Dedicate programming to environmental conservation, sustainability practices, and nature exploration in the local area. Highlighting the Village’s Wellhead Protection program’s conservation efforts, and ways residents can contribute to a healthier environment can foster a more sustainable community mindset.
  • Health and Wellness Segments: Partner with area Healthcare providers to produce PSAs and programming that focus on physical, mental, and emotional wellness, including fitness classes, cooking healthy meals, mental health discussions, and wellness tips from local healthcare professionals. This can play a crucial role in improving the overall well-being of the community.